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Award in Financial Planning (Non-UK) - Arabic (AWA) - Study Text (Printed and Digital)


AWA will soon be withdrawn from sale. The final date you will be able to purchase the study text is 29 March 2024. For those who have previously purchased but not yet booked their exam, bookings can be made via MyCII. The final date you will be able to sit an AWA exam is 30 April 2024.

Find out more about the changes and your options.

The 'Printed and Digital Study Text' (2023-24 edition) product includes the 2023-24 edition of the study text (in both digital – available on RevisionMate – and printed formats).

This product does not include an examination voucher.

Access to your AWA course on RevisionMate is only available during the 2023-24 syllabus period, which will end on 30 April 2024. 

Purchasing the printed version of this product will incur postage and packaging charges which will be added to your order at checkout.

What should I do if I want to take the examination for this unit?
If you wish to take the examination you will need to purchase an enrolment, which you can do through the AWA unit page. An enrolment includes a copy of the study text along with entry to the relevant assessment.

If you have an expired enrolment to this unit and you did not sit the exam, please check whether you still have an exam voucher that is valid for your scheduled exam sitting. You may not need to purchase the enrolment option detailed above if you only need the updated edition of the study text. If you require assistance please contact Customer Service.

As mentioned above, this unit will soon be withdrawn from sale. The final date you will be able to sit an AWA exam is 30 April 2024.

How will I access my course?
Instructions on accessing your course on RevisionMate will be sent to your registered email address. This is typically within two working days of your order being placed, but may be longer, particularly if payment is made by bank transfer or the unit is available as a pre-order.

You will receive a printed copy of the study text and have access to the printable PDF and ebook versions on RevisionMate.

What are the benefits of using the ebook version of this product?
Using an ebook offers lots of flexibility. You can annotate and highlight important points and use the search function to locate key words or phrases. You could also use text-to-speech to have the book read aloud to you. (Please note that availability of these features depends on the type of e-reader being used).

It’s important to read the ebook technical guidance on the CII website, where you can also download a sample chapter of a study text to test on your own devices/e-reader software.

Will I lose my study text PDF/ebook at the end of the syllabus period?
You will have access to your RevisionMate course until the end of the syllabus period. If you wish to continue to access these materials after this time, you will need to ensure you download the PDF/ebook before then. Any PDFs/ebooks you have downloaded to your personal device/s will still be accessible, although they will not be updated and won’t be valid for future syllabuses.

I don’t need a printed study text, is there a digital-only option?
There is a digital-only version of this product, providing the printable PDF and ebook versions of the study text, delivered via RevisionMate.

Will I receive updates during the syllabus period?
Any content updates to the study text will be made available as web updates on the unit page and on RevisionMate between editions where required (further details are included on the title page of the study text).